Dejadup – UnicodeDecodeError when backing up to Ubuntu One in some locales

Mesmo usando a última versão do pacote Duplicity ( que altera o arquivo duplicity/backends/

=== modified file 'duplicity/backends/'
--- duplicity/backends/	2012-11-03 22:12:45 +0000
+++ duplicity/backends/	2012-12-05 18:02:22 +0000
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
         if 'children' in content:
             for child in content['children']:
                 path = urllib.unquote(child['path'].lstrip('/'))
-                filelist += [path]
+                filelist += [path.encode('utf-8')]
         return filelist

     def delete(self, filename_list):

O erro continua, fiz então o seguinte, editei o arquivo sudo vi /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/duplicity/ e alterei as linhas abaixo removendo o “_”

for set in sets:
if set.add_filename(filename):
log.Debug((“File %s is part of known set”) % (filename,))
log.Debug((“File %s is not part of a known set; creating new set”) % (filename,))
new_set = BackupSet(self.backend)
if new_set.add_filename(filename):
log.Debug((“Ignoring file (rejected by backup set) ‘%s'”) % filename)

Melhor, adicionei a linha abaixo ao arquivo /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/duplicity/

_ = gettext.lgettext

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